Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Time: The Big Spoilsport

We’ve talked about many ways your vendors want to help you create a beautiful memory on your wedding day, but there is a little thing that can make the entire thing fall apart:  a late start.  You all know how important it is for your vendors to arrive and perform on time for you, but if the ceremony begins late, it can cause an avalanche of disasters.
 Suffice it to say that vendors operate like taxi drivers.  They always have another place to be and they allot a certain amount of time to any given affair, charging X-number of dollars for a specified amount of time.
 While it’s great that you would like all of your friends and relatives to witness your ceremony, it may not be practical to hold up the wedding if some happen to be late.  Your officiant may be flexible in waiting up to fifteen minutes for out-of-town loved ones to arrive if he or she doesn’t have another obligation following yours, but courtesy dictates that you ask, should the situation arise.
 You may have a little more leeway when it comes to your reception, as the caterer is less likely to be scheduled for another event, however, the servers are probably paid by the hour, so the boss will be watching the clock.
 Your entertainers are also likely booked only for your event, but they, too, will want to start and finish on time.  If your reception immediately follows your ceremony, a late start to the wedding can cause some discomfort for musicians, d.j.’s, even photographers.
 The second most likely cause of delay is the hairdresser.  Be sure that you add an extra hour or even two, in case some problem arises at the salon. 
 A case of nerves can also be cause for delay, but making sure all of the arrangements are confirmed may help alleviate worries.  A good officiant can help coordinate lining up and time management, as well as your master or mistress of ceremonies and your wedding planner.  Sometimes it just takes knowing that all of your vendors have arrived to reduce stress levels.
 In any case, starting your wedding on time keeps everyone happy and helps you avoid unexpected fees and hurt feelings.

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